What is Fracking?
Fracking has become the catch all term for the extraction of Unconventional Gas. This includes resources which cannot be explored, developed and produced by conventional drilling processes. Shale Gas and Coal Bed Methane are two of these resources. Conventional methods use

Will fracking affect me?
Unconventional Gas Exploration and Extraction will affect the whole of South Africa, impacting our health, water, food security and biodiversity. Below is the PASA (Petroleum Agency of SA) map to give you an idea of the extent of the area under threat. The

What can I do?
“With such strong community opposition right from the start, you are way ahead. You are doing exactly what it takes to win this.” Jeffrey Barbee. This is no time to presume that someone else will be preventing unconventional gas exploration
ER 350 Exploration Right Granted
Rhino Oil and Gas application for an exploration right over Free State and KwaZulu-Natal - Sterkfontein Dam, Bethlehem, Kestrel, Lindley, Reitz, Warden, Harrismith and around Bergville, Winterton. Department of Mineral Resources has (DMR) granted environmental authorisation for the proposed exploration activities as detailed (i.e. desktop studies, an aerial FTG survey and data interpretation). To appeal the decision or any aspect thereof, you must submit an appeal before 18 March to the Minister at the Department of Environmental Affairs and Forestry, with copies sent to the DMR and PASA and SLR.