The FrackFreeFest held in Matatiele in October gathered 120 delegates from communities all over South Africa- those currently affected by mining as well as those impacted on by numerous applications for exploration licences by companies seeking to explore and exploit
Not On Our Watch
In the Eastern Cape, there is much opposition to the proposed exploration by Rhino Oil & Gas of the uMzimvubu Catchment. These are a few of the comments submitted to SLR Consulting recently on the Scoping Report. Response to Scoping
Angifun’ iFracking
Abazingela igesi namafutha KwaZulu-Natal bahlangane nembibizane kanye nezinsongo zokuyiswa kwalenkampani yokuhlola evela eTexas, enkantolo ngenxa yokuphula imigomo emayelana nemvelo. Inkampani iRhino Resources ifake isicelo ukugunyazwa ukucinga igesi, nowoyela nokunye endaweni enamapulazi ayizinkulungwane eziyishumi, endaweni ethatha amaphesenti ayishumi nesithupha maphakathi nesifundazwe.