Julia Colvin of the WESSA Water Explorer Programme in South Africa writes about the importance of including lessons about fracking in schools. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This sentiment certainly rings true for many environmental education organisations working tirelessly to protect
No Fracking Way
Last week many of us submitted comments to SLR Consulting on the Rhino Oil & Gas Applications for Exploration Rights in KZN and the Eastern Cape. Even if you missed the deadline, it is worth sending your thoughts to SLR.
Good Day Mr Hemming
Response to Rhino Oil & Gas Application for Exploration Rights in KZN According to an environmental consultant involved in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the oil and gas industry, once a right to explore is granted you can be pretty
Anti-Fracking Angels
Pandora Long writes about the 50/50 filming day in the Midlands in February 2016 Kholosa was winging my questions as we drove a rather windy route (due to missing a couple of strategic turnoffs) up to Malvina’s beautiful midlands farm,
Angifun’ iFracking
Abazingela igesi namafutha KwaZulu-Natal bahlangane nembibizane kanye nezinsongo zokuyiswa kwalenkampani yokuhlola evela eTexas, enkantolo ngenxa yokuphula imigomo emayelana nemvelo. Inkampani iRhino Resources ifake isicelo ukugunyazwa ukucinga igesi, nowoyela nokunye endaweni enamapulazi ayizinkulungwane eziyishumi, endaweni ethatha amaphesenti ayishumi nesithupha maphakathi nesifundazwe.
No Mining the Midlands
The Lions River Club in Dargle was completely overwhelmed as 400 people arrived for the Rhino Oil & Gas Exploration Application Meeting on Tuesday 3 November 2015. After only 11 people had come to their morning meeting in Taylor’s Halt,