No Future in Fracking

Julia Colvin of the WESSA Water Explorer Programme in South Africa writes about the importance of including lessons about fracking in schools. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This sentiment certainly rings true for many environmental education organisations working tirelessly to protect

Angifun’ iFracking

Abazingela igesi namafutha KwaZulu-Natal bahlangane nembibizane kanye nezinsongo zokuyiswa kwalenkampani yokuhlola evela eTexas, enkantolo ngenxa yokuphula imigomo emayelana nemvelo. Inkampani iRhino Resources ifake isicelo ukugunyazwa ukucinga igesi, nowoyela nokunye endaweni enamapulazi ayizinkulungwane eziyishumi, endaweni ethatha amaphesenti ayishumi nesithupha maphakathi nesifundazwe.

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